In this android example we will learn how to integrate facebook sdk to your android project, make facebook user login and post to facebook user wall and get user freinds.
In this example opening url in webview and showing progress Dialog for page. Show file chooser option on clicking file option for web form . Open new link from webview to external browser. For any url open new activity or do other task.
You can save and retrieve key, value pair data from Shared preferences. SharedPreferences values will persist across user sessions. Data in shared preferences will be persistent even though user closes the application.
In this example capturing video by inbuild camera in android and save captured video on sdcard. Using camera intent to record video and after record the video again come back on activity and show captured video path on activity.
In this example sending device to device (Mobile To Mobile) messaging using google cloud messaging (GCM). it is the very basic example you can use this to create advance level messaging application. Using php as server side language and mysql database.
Students can also use this project for semester project.
In this example reading contact emails from phone. showing visual reprsentation of contact data to how data stored and how we can fetch data by contant provider.
ContentProvider used to get data from central repository. Android application contains content provider to provide data to other applications. you can also create your custom content provider to get data from database / sdcard / media etc.
Content providers create an abstraction layer between its repository of data and external application that are using data.
External Application can call Content Provider methods with the use of ContentResolver. ContentResolver work as ContentProvider client object, with the use of Content Resolver object we can get data from Content Provider. ContentProvider and ContentResolver (provider clients) used together to create a interface for data to handles inter-process communication and access data in secure way.
In this example implementing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for android. Using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) sending push notification from web server to registered android devices. Using php as server side language and mysql as database.
further i will give example to send push notification from one device to other.
In this example showing use of MVC Pattern to create a very basic Shopping cart. Creating very basic Controller Class and defined in application context and you can use this Controller Class as a Global class. If any View(Activity) required values then view should call controller and then controller will call appropriate Model and provide value to view.
Models can also communicate with each others to exchange values.