In this example opening url in webview and showing progress Dialog for page. Show file chooser option on clicking file option for web form . Open new link from webview to external browser. For any url open new activity or do other task.
In this example showing how to maintain session in login page and after login to other activities using shared preferences.
You can save and retrieve key, value pair data from Shared preferences.
SharedPreferences values will persist across user sessions. Data in shared preferences will be persistent even though user closes the application.
WebView is a View that displays web pages.If want to display html as the part of your UI then you can use WebView in your APP.
1. Opening url in webview.
2. Showing loader before page load.
3. Click opened url any link and again open page in webview.
In this example showing code to play video. Taking a video(3gp) file inside application raw folder and playing in on activity.
In this example capturing video by inbuild camera in android and save captured video on sdcard. Using camera intent to record video and after record the video again come back on activity and show captured video path on activity.
In this example reading contact emails from phone. showing visual reprsentation of contact data to how data stored and how we can fetch data by contant provider.
ContentProvider used to get data from central repository. Android application contains content provider to provide data to other applications. you can also create your custom content provider to get data from database / sdcard / media etc.
Content providers create an abstraction layer between its repository of data and external application that are using data.
External Application can call Content Provider methods with the use of ContentResolver.
ContentResolver work as ContentProvider client object, with the use of Content Resolver object we can get data from Content Provider.
ContentProvider and ContentResolver (provider clients) used together to create a interface for data to handles inter-process communication and access data in secure way.
In this example creating some UI elements on screen on run time. Creating textview , buttons dynamically and creating onclick listener for buttons. After click on button show index(id).
In this example defining variable in application context and you can use this variable as a Global variable. You can set value in this variable and get value on any activity / broadcast reci\\eiver / service in application context(environment).
In Further examples you will see good use of this way to follow SINGALTON pattern and MVC pattern in android.
Splash screen is an activity that will show for set time when your app is starting and after set time period redirect to application main scre
Lets splash screen show set time is 15 sec then in mean time when splash screen showing you can do these tasks...
1. You can download resources(images) from webserver to your phone.
2. You can make server call and get data from server.
3. Get data from network and save in database.
4. Show something about your app/company/brand on Splash screen.
In this example detecting current running activity from top of the activity stack. In this way we can find out current running application and task.
1. Suppose you have a task like , when user opens message/phone call/any application screen then your app performs an action like start a music or vibration etc....
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