In this android example we are showing ,when any new SMS event brodcasted ( When new SMS received ) then how to create receiver to read Incomming SMS data.
In this android example we are showing ,when any new call event brodcasted ( When new call come ) then how to create receiver to read phone call states.
1. A broadcast receiver is an Android component which allows to register and listen for device orientation changes like sms messsage recieved , phone call recieved/pick/cut ,battery status changed, the Wi-Fi came on.
2. Android operating system and even other applications time to time broadcast messages about things that are happening like sms messsage recieved , phone call recieved/pick/cut ,battery status changed, the Wi-Fi came on.
3. With the help of broadcast receiver you will catch Android operating system specific events and then you can code your application for that event.
When we install an application in android then it create a thread for that application called MAIN UI Thread, All activities run inside that thread , By the android single thread model rule we can not access UI elements (bitmap , textview etc..) directly for another thread defined inside that activity.
So if want to access Main UI Thread elements by another thread then we will use handlers.
In this Android Example we will learn how to create sqllite database manipulation class. How to open SQLite Database in Syncronize way to Insert, Update, Delete database records.
I am taking an example of storing user data in SQLite database. I am using a table called User to store user data. This table contains three columns id (INT), name (TEXT), email(TEXT).
SQLite is an Open Source Database which is embedded into Android. SQLite is available on every Android device.
SQLite require very less memory at runtime (approx. 250 KByte)
Enternally SQLite database creates filesystem so this may be slow, Therefore it is recommended to perform database operations inside the AsyncTask class.
Android Application Development Video Tutorial,Download and Install the Java JDK,Installing Eclipse and Setting up the ADT,Installing Android SDK and Set up Emulator,Setting up an Android Project